The Failure of Gamification in Fitness Behavior Modification From The Perspective of Social-Cognitive Theory - James Henry Steinberg
1. Emergence of Gamification
Obesity and metabolic syndrome pose
a crisis for the American health care system and its public, in terms of both
cost and comorbidities. In the preceding quarter century, the entirety of the
U.S. population weight distribution has shifted upward (1); today more than two
thirds of the adult population is overweight or heavier (2). Diabetes Mellitus,
the most prominent manifestation of metabolic syndrome, has increased in its
proportion of U.S. adults from 3.7% in 1980 (age-adjusted) to 8.7% in 2010
Behavioral approaches towards weight
loss have thus far failed: over 80% of individuals return to pre-weight loss
levels of body fat after otherwise successful regimens, from a variety of
approaches(4). Due to this persistent failure, there has been an increased move
away from an individual focus on obesity, to the examination of the “obesogenic
environment” - the genetic and environmental factors that predispose people
towards obesity (5,6).
The most recent trend in fitness
behavior modification involves “gamification” (7). Gamification involves the
integration of game mechanics into marketing, health, web domains, etc. for the
purpose of influencing and motivating groups of people. Gamification is built
on the essential findings of behavioral biologists regarding operant
conditioning. “Game” mechanisms are usually restricted to what are
traditionally known as “role playing games” (RPGs). The role playing game genre
is identified by incremental advances in game difficulty, coupled to
incremental advances in the player’s efficacy (ability to overcame obstacles,
exert his will, and achieve desired goals in the game), arriving in a predictable
and systematic manner. Usually, the games are easy at first, with increasing
effort required to achieve additional increments of efficacy later in the
game. These incremental increases in
efficacy are colloquially termed “leveling,” as the in-game protagonist is
assigned a “level” that indicates his efficacy. Games typically present a very
simple sort of operant conditioning: perform action X (ordinarily “kill the
monster”, although “record 5 push-ups” works just as well), and one receives
positive reinforcement in the form of increased efficacy in one’s endeavors
(increasing one’s “level”).
player’s belief in his ability to achieve his goals is ordinarily high in this
context: action and achievement are linked in an obvious manner, entirely under
the player’s control. Because the time and effort to achieve the next level are
always readily apparent, it is a reward that can be considered “fixed” – there
is no element of chance involved. The player knows exactly what he has to do,
and how much of it, to achieve the next increase in game-efficacy (the
equivalent of self-efficacy with regards to accomplishing in-game goals).
RPGs also involve more complex
conditioning mechanisms. Early behavioral biologists found that the schedule of
reinforcement is important. If reinforcement ceases after a behavior has been
linked to it, a behavior may be extinguished. Reinforcement can be spaced out
(as “leveling” is in RPGs), though again – this can lead to extinction, if the
reinforcement becomes too widely spaced relative to the positive value of the
reinforcement. It has been found that the ideal schedule involves early fixed
rewards, with decreasing frequency, and a transition into variable rewards. If the
average number of awards over a unit of time is constant, but with large
variance (meaning rather than 1 award every 5 minutes, there’s an average of 1 award of every 5 minutes,
varying from every 1 minute to every 10 minutes), subjects are shown to be more
strongly influenced by reinforcements that begin to arrive over long periods of
time (8). Role playing games often incorporate this via in-game “items” for
characters – game-efficacy increases in the symbolic form of clothing and armor
for one’s in-game avatar. Some of these “items” are awarded in a fixed fashion,
guaranteed on the completion of a certain in-game event. Others are variable:
upon completing some in-game victory, a digital version of a die is rolled –
giving high chances of a mediocre award, with smaller chances of
correspondingly better awards. In some games, repeatedly completing these
in-game events so as to roll and re-roll the die for chances at the best item
becomes the entire point of the game. These awards are meaningful positive
reinforcement because they are not cosmetic: they directly increase the
player’s game-efficacy, enabling them to partake in more difficult challenges
and explore more of the game.
These increases in a player’s
game-efficacy are directly tied into the standard mechanism for “reciprocal
determinism” – the idea that a person is shaped by their environment and,
likewise, shapes their environment. The challenges and obstacles in the game
are distributed throughout discrete parts of the game that the player can
access, avoid, and revisit at his desire. The positive reinforcement of the
game comes through defeating challenges – finding some optimal ratio of
challenge and victory. In the real game setting, the environment offers a
gradient of difficulty, with cues to advance the player. The player, however,
may opt not to follow such cues: if the advancement has grown too difficult, or
some area holds a particular allure, the player may choose to dally there,
increase his game-efficacy there (though at a slower pace than if he were
seeking greater challenges), and move on later. This is ‘reciprocal’ in the
sense that the game has a set of built-in environmental factors to manipulate
the player’s progress and pleasure, yet at the same time the player has the
ability to ignore these factors, increase his efficacy in an easier area, and
then proceed. Proceeding into the new area later than one ought to have can
entirely change the manner and pacing of obstacles presented. In effect, the
player has changed his own game.
Games have also begun to incorporate
more social elements. “Achievements” are fixed events that, upon their
completion in the game, usually are not linked to efficacy increases. Rather,
they become visible over game-based social networks, showcasing one’s triumphs
to their peers. In a dual role, it also serves to model to peers that the game
in question is being played, and with some measure of dedication. This serves
as a form of observational learning to encourage others to partake in the game
in question.
In short, the game-play mechanisms
salient to driving user behavior include game-and-gamer reciprocal determinism;
an optimal positive reinforcement schedule using both fixed- and
variable-timing; meaningful positive reinforcements, in this context usually
increasing the player’s game-efficacy; and social learning. The new trend of
“gamification” has utilized these four mechanisms to attempt to manipulate user
behavior, but has failed in regards to the first three.
2. Examples of the Use of Gamification as a
Public Health Intervention
Gamification has attempted to
incorporate each of these mechanisms. The most prominent example to date is the
exercise gamification “Fitocracy.” The website involves a facebook-like social
network, where users self-label as being interested in particular types of
fitness activities (i.e., “powerlifters”). This serves to involve them in
conversation with their cohort. The central function of the site, however, is
the ability to record one’s workouts. Each exercise is worth points and these
points add up to allow one to increase their “level.” One can also gain
Achievements through particular routines (i.e. doing a bench press, a deadlift,
and a squat press all in one week). One’s level and achievements are publicly
displayed to one’s network. The leveling mechanism is thought to encourage
exercise by providing a fixed positive reinforcement. To quote its creators,
“what if fitness could be turned into a game? After all, both [Richard] and
Brian understood how addictive it could be trying to get to that next level,
beating that next boss, and completing that next quest… They also realized that
the addiction that games create was the exact same addiction that drives their
fitness efforts every day.” (9) The social components allow groups to act as
models for observational learning, as well as incentivizing (one must gain the
deadlift-squat-bench achievement not to be an outcast among powerlifters).
Fitocracy serves as a prominent
example, having been one of the first attempts to “gamify” public health, but
it is hardly an anomaly. Design companies are now framing gamification as the
“future of health care” (10). HopeLab hopes to combat child obesity with the
“Zamzee”, a device students wear to track their physical activity. More active
children get points, level up, show off on a social network, and purchase goods
for “winning” (11). Zamzee’s approach is untenable however, in that creating
tangible goods as a reward has worked in their limited (12-week, 350-subject)
laboratory studies, but is something they are unable to scale for use with the
general public. One of the largest has been the iPod-integrated Nike+, which
uses a GPS sensor to track runners and later to upload their data, track
statistics, join challenges, and connect (and compete) with other runners in
the Nike network.
Modern social gaming mechanics are
attractive to those attempting to “hook” people into healthy activities. They
seem to leverage the power of social influence (observational learning), as
well as the various elements of reciprocal conditioning that have made
otherwise-mindless games such as “Farmville” and “World of Warcraft” such
runaway successes. If something as “boring” as Warcraft could be so addictive
as to ruin lives (12), then why couldn’t such mechanisms be used to make
fitness and health equally attractive?
3. Flaws in the Use of Gamification as a
Public Health Intervention
Unfortunately, such “gamification”
attempts take on the shape of cargo-cult science. Although they utilize the
appearance of Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), they fail to implement the core
mechanisms that actually drive behavioral change.
3A. The Failure to Connect Game
Mechanics to Intrinsically Valuable Awards
The fundamental principle behind
“leveling” is that it enhances both the player’s game-efficacy, as well as
acting as positive reinforcement – improvement’s in a player’s efficacy also
increase enjoyment of the play process. That is to say, that increasing
“levels” in the game has no value in itself – it is valuable only as it
empowers the player to accomplish other game actions that are pleasing. However, current gamification attempts have neglected
the importance of linking levels to positive stimuli, and instead attempt
positive reinforcement by awarding the “levels” themselves – in effect,
offering to warm their participants with smoke instead of fire.
Fitocracy, for instance, provides points,
levels, quests, and achievements, all tied into a social network. Theoretically
one is driven to advance one’s exercise regime by chasing new quests and
achievements, and stabilize it as a habit by chasing level advancement. It also
takes advantage of the element of observational learning and social approval
through the built-in social network: one’s achievements are broadcast to their
peers while, simultaneously, one is constantly kept apprised of their peers’
achievements. However, the primary mechanism of positive reinforcement – the levels
that one gains through physical activity – is entirely useless: there is
precisely no difference at all between a level 30 individual (someone that has
been actively fit for a significant period of time) and a level 3 individual (a
novice). Advancing in levels offers no positive reinforcement aside from seeing
that number creep upwards. Not only is the pleasure of watching a meaningless
number increase minimal, but as the amount of exercise needed to increase
levels grows larger with each successive level, the period between these
“reinforcements” grows increasingly sparse, until extinction is more likely
than actual reinforcement of the target behavior.
Much the same could be said of Zamzee,
created by the non-profit HopeLabs with the explicit aim of helping children
and teens manage their weight. It incorporates many of the standard
gamification mechanisms, and it would seem to correct the primary deficit:
points and levels ultimately lead to a “victory” condition that is connected
with tangible rewards. However, where Fitocracy can handle essentially
unlimited numbers of users, the non-profit Zamzee must now purchase and gift
tangible goods. For their 350-subject test, they claim to have provided such
rewards, without specifying what the rewards were. This is clearly an
unscalable project, however: expanding this to teens en masse would require an enormously expensive outlay of products,
or the cheapening of such rewards until they are no rewards at all. Although
this nominally attempts to address the lack of intrinsic motivation, this
positive reinforcement mechanism will not be deployable in a real-world
setting: Zamzee essentially has no real positive reinforcement mechanism beyond
points-keeping for its own sake.
Nike+ stands out slightly compared to the
other two interventions, as it is more of an attempt at building brand loyalty
than an active gamification program - although it has described itself as part
of the “gamification” trend based on its Achievement program (akin to that used
by Fitocracy), and the user statistic-tracking and sharing, which has given
rise to a culture of achievement sharing and competition. Morever, it is
relevant because of its emphasis on running: although it doesn’t seek to make
people healthier, it does need its customers to continue running in order to build
the brand-loyal social network Nike seeks. Nike+ has in fact been one of the
few large corporations successful in using social networking to build brand
loyalty, by using this approach (13). As such, its bottom line goal is still
compatible with the other programs mentioned: drive people to continue
performing a particular fitness activity through social-network based peer
learning and positive reinforcement. However, Nike+ makes the same mistakes
seen in Fitocracy and Zamzee: beyond the social value of being able to proclaim
one has met some particular achievement, meeting the goals in the Nike+ “game”
offer no real reinforcement that encourages sustained performance of the target
activity. Between Fitocracy, Zamzee, and Nike+ one sees a cross-section of the
largest current health-gamification efforts, both for- and non-profit, and yet
the failure to use positive reinforcement consisting of actual positive stimuli
rather than simple scorekeeping remains ubiquitous.
3B. Reinforcements Tend To Be On a Fixed,
Not Variable, Schedule
The second major failing of current
gamification attempts is the failure to use variable reinforcement as a
supplement to fixed reinforcement schedules.
As Skinner showed, a rat will press a button endlessly if it is rewarded
with a food pellet – but when those food pellets come too rarely, the rat will
eventually stop pressing the button, in a phenomenon known as extinction. This
is essentially fixed reinforcement: if
the rat presses, then there will be a
pellet, without doubt or variation. If, however, a food pellet is dropped every
three presses on average, the rat
will continue to press the button far longer – even as the average number of
button presses for a food pellet increases. This is a variable reinforcement
schedule: the rat doesn’t expect every press to result in a pellet but, rather,
that enough presses will eventually
produce a pellet.
Video games have successfully incorporated
variable reinforcement (in the form of “items” awarded to one’s game avatar,
with the quality of the awarded item being randomly determined), as a
supplement to the fixed-schedule “level” system. Health gamification efforts,
however, are strictly fixed: perform 20 pushups, get 40 points, 300 points
needed for level 2. Fitocracy awards a constant number of points for each
exercise which, when added up, award one with a new level. There is no
unpredictability and no variation. This is fine for early levels, where working
out for a few days can result in advancement, but once one has achieved “higher
levels” and these achievements are few and far between (weeks or months apart),
one is more likely to cause behavioral extinction than engagement. Zamzee
awards points for activity in a likewise unvarying manner, which ultimately
adds up to a prize. Nike+ awards achievements for certain runs (distance, time,
calories, etc.) with no surprise achievements, variation, or other unexpected
positive stimuli. Not only is the lack of a variable positive reinforcement not
conducive to an optimal reinforcement
schedule but, as the amount of time and effort between successive levels grows
exceedingly long, the strictly fixed program may in fact result in extinction.
The current lack of chance in reinforcement schedules is not only suboptimal –
it may in fact be actively detrimental to the cultivation of the desired
fitness behavior.
Lack of Reciprocal Determinism Fails to Cope with User Variety
The third major failing of current
gamification efforts regards the absence of reciprocal determinism that is
ordinarily found in a game setting. Reciprocal determinism in games is
important in that one is dealing with an enormous variety of people of varying
levels of skill, dedication, and time. If the challenges and reinforcements
offered are not responsive to a person’s individual needs they are far less
likely to be engaged. If a person is finding an average challenge, accompanied
by average reward, overwhelmingly difficult that reward is unlikely to be
sufficient positive reinforcement to encourage them to tackle additional ‘overwhelming’
challenges. Fitocracy, as a social network with an achievements and leveling
system, offers challenges only in that it requires increasingly larger efforts
in order to receive positive reinforcement. These rewards do not change the
difficulty of any of a subject’s goals, nor does the subject have any ability
to reshape his challenge environment. One cannot simply exercise further in an
“easier” difficulty area, because there are no gradients in difficulty – one
simply exercises, or one does not. And as there is no increase in game-efficacy
(other than increased fitness), even “taking it easy” and advancing at a slower
pace is without reward: the difficulty of challenges and goals is unresponsive
to achievements and advancements (which ties back to the first point, that the
achievements and advancements are merely numbers measuring engagement with the
system, and not meaningful reinforcement). The player, having no ability to
reshape his environment, cannot alter it to suit their particular needs or
skill level. The same criticism holds for Zamzee and Nike+. Insofar as the only
challenges introduced are the challenges of exercise, and a one-size-fits-all
reinforcement schedule is applied, players are entirely unable to reshape their
environment to produce an experience that is suitably positive to keep them
4. Proposed Remedies for the Flaws of
Gamification Theory to Promote Public Health
4A. Using Games,
not Gamification, for User Interaction
The resolution to these problems is not
to scrap the approach of gamification, but rather, to extend it to account for
the elements of the Social Cognitive Theory model that are missing. The
foremost necessity is to amend the lack of true incentives: “levels”, “points,”
and so on cannot merely be metrics that take on the appearance of achievement
and advancement. One must also
supplement the fixed leveling system with a variable system, to counter
infrequent levels and possible extinction. Lastly, one must provide for some
sort of reciprocal determinism, to allow players to create their own levels of
The difficulty is posed by the fact that
gamification platforms currently rely on only a single dimension of difficulty:
physical exercise. The addition of an additional dimension – an actual game – would
allow one to address the flaws in the current system. In this way, achieving
“levels” in the health gamification, while not increasing one’s efficacy in the
fitness-dimension, can be tied to in-game levels, allowing for increases in
efficacy in the game-dimension. Such a change would turn the positive
reinforcement of level gains into actual meaningful incentives. Additionally,
fitness achievements could be linked to variable rewards in the game. Lastly,
where reciprocal determinism is difficult to achieve in the fitness-dimension,
one could do so in the game world. In brief, one could attach the health metric
to an actual game that does fulfill
the requirements of the Social Cognitive Theory, and rely on the game to drive
behavioral change.
4B. Connecting Real-world Fitness to
There are multiple ways to attach the
fitness behavior to a game. The most difficult approach would be to construct
actual games, which receive information from a gamification platform and
integrate it into the gaming experience. This would utilize all of the elements
that actually created addictive video games to encourage fitness activities. In
this case one would have a real game with all of the mechanisms of modern
gaming built-in: social networks for observational learning and social outcome
expectations, reciprocal determinism in the form of the game obstacles being
faced, and variable reinforcement in-game coupled to the fixed advance of
levels with one’s exercise. Most
importantly, leveling would now be tied to something positive and enjoyable:
advancing in a fun game. This would be difficult to create wholesale, as
creating long-lasting and successful video games is an extremely rare event,
regularly achieved by only a handful of dedicated game companies.
On the other hand, licensing old and
successful games that now exist in legacy but produce few sales for their
parent company (e.g., Diablo 2, still engaging tens of thousands of players
daily, a decade after release) could be a successful alternative, wherein the
primary costs of development would become software engineering to link the
in-game advancement-state to some health metric, and licensing costs. With such
software engineering being a relatively simple feat (people create such
programs as hobbies)(14), the only true stumbling block would be licensing
fees. For games that produce little annual returns (i.e., Diablo 2 sales a
decade after release) companies may be incentivized to ‘donate’ such licensing
fees as a tax deduction or public relations maneuver. Player enrollment may
even be increased if such health-game projects were released 6 months to 1 year
prior to the release of a new sequel in the game series (i.e., the Diablo 2
Health game 18 months prior to the release of Diablo 3). As a form of marketing
for both products, this may be even more attractive to the parent company.
4C. Partnering With Game Developers, not
Games, to Avoid Obsolescence
One could also attempt to remedy the
failings in gamification platforms not by linking fitness metrics directly to a
game, but by partnering with game platforms like facebook’s Rovio and Zynga, or
small “indie” game publishers that are
currently creating armies of new games via platforms such as the iTunes App
Store and Steam (15). Zynga, for example, offers in-game purchases using
real-world money. However, insofar as these in-game items actually have
unlimited supply, some small fraction of them could be “donated” to a public
health program. Coupled to something like Fitocracy, some rewards may be
achieved upon earning a level, with some others having a random chance of
occurrence upon completion of achievements and quests (introducing our variable
element). The game-external approach avoids the problem of games that become
dated, as well as once more reintroducing the social elements, peer
observational learning, and the other relevant elements of Social Cognitive
4D. Using Games that already
Cultivate SCT to Drive User Behavior
The ideal situation is to engage
with a game that already manipulates operant conditioning to create a Skinner
Box effect, as well as the other components of the SCT model, and hook the
gamified fitness platform into that ecology. For instance, Massively
Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are already built around the idea of addicting
players with a combination of fixed positive reinforcement (leveling), variable
positive reinforcement (item awards), observational learning of peers (in-game
social networks, integrated with out-of-game social networks), reciprocal
determinism (in-game difficulty scaling by choice of zoning and leveling rate),
self-efficacy gains through repeat successes against incrementally difficult
obstacles, collective efficacy (some obstacles must be faced with one’s in-game
network), and incentives are provided primarily through the opportunity for
item drops (an opportunity to roll the die on the variable reinforcement).
These games often lack anything except these elements, arguably becoming not a
game at all, and yet are wildly successful.
Through the integration of health metrics
into such games one can make use of an already extent and extremely effective
Skinner Box environment for addicting people into pursuing fitness. Mechanisms
for convincing corporations to include such an element may be to encourage its
use as a shield against litigation: game makers are already being sued for the
dangers of their addictive games (16); a defense of keeping an eye on players’
well-being and encouraging public health may be a small investment towards
deflecting significant costs in litigation.
5. In Summation
The current trend towards gamification of
health initiatives is based predominantly on the Social-Cognitive Theory of
behavior, but fails to take into account the element of reciprocal determinism,
does not provide for variable-schedule positive reinforcement to optimize
reinforcement of target behaviors, and most crucially tends not to incorporate
any real incentives – thus creating “positive reinforcement” with no positives.
Gamification is lauded by marketing companies as using the adornment of games
without the need for actual game-play, and yet in so doing misses out on what
it is that actually causes behavioral repetition (17). The simplest method to
address these short-comings is to look at extant games that have already successfully
made use of these mechanisms, and target game developers and publishers for
tying a fitness metric to these games. By taking full advantage of social
cognitive theory, health initiatives will be able to draw upon successful
methods for driving user behavior, rather than simply the cargo cult
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Labels: Obesity, Physical Activity, Yellow
At August 18, 2012 at 11:23 AM , Mark Kaepplein said...
An example of harmful gamification is the web site Bicyclists compete with themselves and one another using cell phone GPS applications to transmit travel data to the web site. Parents of a San Francisco pedestrian killed by a cyclist racing through streets breaking traffic laws to better his time are suing. There are countless You Tube videos posted by cyclists of them racing through city streets, endangering themselves and others in pursuit of speed records, and their own personal X games and reality shows. A subculture in cycling supported by blogs, web pages, and tweets makes the streets all the more dangerous and deadly for pedestrians. There is no enforcement of traffic laws on MA cyclists to counteract such harmful behaviors.
Generally, government promotion of cycling by making driving more miserable may yield more harm than good. Is more traffic congestion, road rage, and stress for 99% of road users more healthy for an unknown number of converts to bicycling and its added exercise?
The August 8, 2012 MBTA bus driver incident in Kenmore Square crashing the bus to avoid a parking ticket could be the bus driver stress outcome that "going postal" and shooting coworkers was for US Postal Service employees under unnecessary stress before changes were made. Like workers forced to breathe second hand cigarette smoke, MBTA drivers are forced to endure added driving stress when cities impose road changes to "traffic calm" them or make them more "livable" or "sustainable".
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