The X-Buddy Campaign: A Counterproposal to the CDC’s “Tips From Former Smokers” – Dominick Leone
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) launched a new campaign on March 15th, 2012, to encourage
individual adult smokers to quit by providing information as to the effects of
smoking and the severity of those possible consequences. The campaign, “Tips
from Former Smokers,” utilizes patients suffering from smoking-related diseases
to inform the public of the dangers of smoking through telling their life
story. Their approach, however, may not reach its potential due to the reliance
on an individual-level intervention, susceptibility to a possible
boomerang-effect, and an ineffectual use of media. Instead, the “X-Buddy
Campaign”, a new social group-level intervention, is proposed that will address
the deficits in the CDC’s current campaign.
Introduction: The Problem
of Quitting
The large number of smokers in the United
States face major hurdles that threaten their attempts at quitting. According to
the CDC, 19.3 % of adults over 18 years of age, or 45.3 million Americans,
currently smoke (1). The obstacles faced by these smokers are: procrastination,
the necessity to make continuous decisions to remain smoke-free; and the social
dynamics involved in smoking. To be effective, any anti-smoking campaign must
address these aspects of smoking.
In rational terms, a smoker must commit
to a decision not to smoke, however, our human nature and the nature of smoking
cessation thwart the majority of attempts. Although approximately 70% of
smokers state a desire to quit, only about a third will be successful (2).
Procrastination, the inaction following an initial decision to cease smoking,
is universally recognized as part of the human condition. Most smokers have
tried and failed at cessation attempts at least twice before being successful (3). This may be partly due to the continuous
nature of the quitting effort. Neither smoking nor quitting are one-time
decisions, but rather are made many times in a day and influenced by many
triggers, or even visual depictions of smoking.
Smoking is not done in a social vacuum,
in that both the behavior of smoking and quitting occurs as part of a social
phenomenon. Although individuals smoke, group pressures are the important
drivers of smoking behavior. When smokers and quitters are mapped-out, their
behavior appears to occur in large groups or networks (4). Also, the need for
social participation in successful cessation attempts is well documented (5).
It would, therefore, be advantageous to use a group level intervention that
could address the human aspects quitting – both on an individual and social
“Tips from Former Smokers”:
A Flawed Approach
The CDC’s campaign is stymied by its
dependence on an individual-level intervention. Their public health effort is
based on social behavioral models that have faulty assumptions. “Tips” provides
smokers with their risks and vulnerability in an attempt to change their intent
to smoke. The underlying assumption is that smoking is the result of rational
decision-making, and the intent to quit will necessarily lead to smoking
Critique #1: A Reliance on
an Individual-Level Model
Irrational Reliance on Smokers’ Rationality
To alter smokers’ intentions, the CDC’s
campaign strives to change knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. A section labeled,
“Get the Facts,” on the campaign website
along with “Real Stories” attempt to provide information about the consequences
of continuing to smoke, as well as the severity of those consequences. The real
stories these patients tell are aimed at convincing current smokers of their
susceptibility to the disease from which they now must live. The CDC spent a
great deal of time, money, and effort putting forth this effort to change
smokers attitudes and beliefs under an assumption that if information were
provided as to the “real costs” of smoking, then current users would decide not
to smoke using a cost-benefit type analysis; this assumption may not be valid.
assumption that smokers will “weigh” their risks in a rational manner,
originates with the models on which the intervention are founded. Modeled on
the Expectancy-Value theory, the Theory of Reasoned Action, and Theory of
Planned Behavior, the CDC’s campaign shares all the same leaps in logic: that
beliefs and attitudes are shaped by a rational decision making process.
“Tips from Former Smokers” depends on
rational decision making – much to its own detriment – when what we know of
human behavior points to our irrationality in making some of the most important
decisions. The Generalized Axiom of Reveled Preference (GARP) can be applied to
test this assumption. As a hypothetical, we could say that, all things being equal,
most rational people prefer living to dying. Smoking is generally understood to
lead to death, therefore a rational person, according to GARP, would not prefer
to smoke and would quit – but they don’t. Studies show people know smoking
causes cancer and death and they still (irrationally) choose to smoke. So, if
smoking were rational and quitting were a consequence of rational
decision-making then GARP would be observed – but it is not and decisions to
smoke are therefore not rational. Furthermore, a well-known irrational trigger
is stress (6-8). Smoking is therefore not only irrational, but also emotional.
Failures to Account for
Procrastination and the Nature of Habit Formation
The assumption of rationality in an
individual-level, antismoking, intervention has the further consequence of
obscuring the possibility of smokers’ procrastination. This is due to a faulty
assumption that changes in intention to quit will lead to the behavior of
quitting. The CDC’s assumption arises from the intervention’s reliance on a
model similar to the Theory of Planned behavior. Theoretically, the timeframe between a
behavioral intent and the behavior is not well delineated (9). Because of this
limitation, the intervention does not address procrastination, a
well-established human behavior and frequent problem for smokers attempting to
Another consequence of the
behavioral-intent assumption is the inability of the CDC campaign to adequately
address the day-to-day difficulties of remaining smoke-free after initially deciding
to quit. An underlying problem with the model on which “Tips” rests is that it
doesn’t adequately address the formation of the new habit of “not smoking”.
Operant Conditioning and Modeling Theory suggest that new habit formation
involves reinforcement of a new behavior with a reward, satisfaction, or relief
(10). In theory, repetitive “trials” that are rewarded (by providing
satisfaction or providing relief) increase the probability of repetition of
“not smoking”. However it is unlikely
that smokers will experience reinforcement along this type of schedule. The
consequences of smoking occur over a much longer term, and thus there is a very
low probability of immediate reward – hence a change in behavior is also
unlikely leading to recidivism. This phenomenon is so common among smokers
attempting to quit, they have even have named it “cheating”.
Critique #2: Concern for
Possible “Boomerang Effect”
Coordinated efforts to change smoking
behavior can result, paradoxically, in increased smoking. This is referred to
as the “Boomerang Effect,” and can result from cognitive dissonance and
psychological reactance because smokers have identified with, and taken
ownership, of the behavior. Attempts to rationally alter smokers’ behavior
through changes in beliefs and values are especially at risk of causing
Effect of Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance could reduce the
efficacy of the CDC’s campaign. When confronted with conflicting cognitions
(ideas, beliefs, and values), smokers are motivated to reduce this conflict
(dissonance) and restore consistency by altering cognitions, i.e. by
rationalization (11). Dissonance has
been shown to be a good predictor of success in smoking treatments (12). The
CDC’s campaign does not address smokers’ use of rationalizations and therefore
cognitive dissonance is likely to persist (13). For example, a current smoker
might have the following prior cognition: “Smoking helps make me feel better by
relieving stress.” The CDC’s Ads may strengthen cognitions such as, “Smoking
will make me feel worse by causing a stroke, loosing a limb, or having a hole
in my neck”. Such a smoker might then alleviate dissonance by utilizing
rationalizations. These ideations might entail downplaying the odds of
developing an illness portrayed or not identifying with people in ads
(“models”). Secondarily, this could limit the effectiveness of the CDC’s
campaign. If credibility is lost, and the behavior of quitting, instead of
being modeled by target smokers, results in the reduction, nullification, or
even a reversal – smokers could actually smoke more if dissonance leads to an
increase in psychological reactance by decreasing credibility.
Effect of Psychological Reactance
Psychological reactance, an emotional
response to a perceived threat to a specific behavioral freedom, might result
from the “Tips” campaign. Smokers are
more likely to perceive the campaign’s messages as a threat to their freedom to
smoke because of the importance (14) they connect to their smoking: prior ideations
of “ownership” of the smoking behavior and identification with the “smoker”
identity has likely attached a great amount of value to their smoking. For
example, Jessica’s Asthma Ad, a TV spot from the campaign that encourages
parents to speak-up against smokers engaging in the behavior close to their
children, might be perceived as “blaming” smokers for their children’s ill
health. This perception of blame might increase reactance if the smokers
perceive “dominance” (15) from the ad.
In general, the attitudes and beliefs
that the “Tips” campaign is attempting to adopt are substantially different
from those of current smokers – and thus there is a high probability of
reactance. In, Covert Persuasion, Kevin Hogan reminds us that people
have an easier time conforming to ideas and beliefs that are closer to their
own (16). For example, smokers are likely to value smoking as benefit (e.g. a
waitress who sees smoking as a short term break from their work duties and a
chance to socialize with workers). The CDC
is attempting to change this value-structure into one conducive to not smoking,
an effort likely to result in psychological reactance.
Finally, the risk of reactance in
targeted smokers is dependent upon the value they place in the evidence
presented by a campaign. Elements of “Tips”, such as the Anthem
Ad (17), offer poor “reasons” as support for not smoking. Smokers who are
expose to the ad might reason “if I keep smoking I might end up with a hole in
my throat.” If the viewer is not convinced of the severity of the consequences
of smoking, because they do not place importance in having a hole in their
neck, then reactance is more likely to occur. A recent example of this occurred
when children exposed to “Above the Influence” campaign actually smoked more
than those not exposed, due to possible reactance (18).
Critique #3: A Flaccid Use
of Media
The media is one of the strongest
possible tools in the arsenal of public health, however “Tips”, the CDC’s
current campaign strategy, is confusing and not effective. Promoted is an
ethereal state of health that lacks the drive to change behavior, and some of
the evidence provided to support a promise of better health from cessation, is
at best confusing, and at worse disempowering and depressing. Instead of using
the social media, such as Twitter and Facebook to its full advantage, “Tips,”
instead, utilizes social media as merely another communication channel.
Framing of the “Tips From Former Smokers” Campaign
The CDC’s use of “health”, as a
core-value, limits their effectiveness due a weakening of the frame of the
campaign. People are very susceptible to how information is presented, referred
to as the “framing effect”, and this can have a significant impact on people’s
behavior (19). This is most significant when the contextual information is
presented in frames with more emotional core-values. People respond more to
emotional core-values because their brains are hard-wired to respond to this
type of stimulation. This is supported by fMRI studies of amygdala-activation
during the viewing of various frames (20).
This area of the brain is an emotional processing area, and the results
further refute the reliance on rational-based models in public health
interventions such as the “Tips” campaign. More likely, smokers might receive
the depressing images of sick patients depicted as being inevitable. Instead of
empowering smokers to quit, the opposite could then occur.
of Advertising Results in Erroneous and Distracting Messages
The CDC’s message has mixed and confusing
promises. Advertising theory posits that to be effective, media should make
promises that are supported with evidence. However, this has strange implications
when the campaign ads are examined through the lens of Advertising Theory. In
the Anthem Ad,
we see people with tracheotomies discussing tips for living with this consequence
of smoking. It would seem to imply (promise) that if you were to quit smoking
you would get a hole in your throat. Furthermore in another ad, Cessation
Tips, we see a former smoker who is now a runner, which seems to
absurdly promise that if “you were to quit smoking you would be able to run in
a marathon with a robot-leg”(21). Not only does the misuse of advertising fail,
it can also, lead to reactance.
Use of Social Media
“Tips” doesn’t just fumble in its use of
traditional media, but also misuses social media as merely another outlet.
Instead of using the intrinsic power of this media to affect behavior change on
a large scale, the CDC’s campaign has only a nominal presence on Facebook and
Twitter, and their advantage of being able to differentially target audiences
based on users profiles is untapped.
Counter-intuitively, interested smokers have to seek-out and “friend”
the campaign, when it should be the campaign that seeks out the smokers.
The choice of an individual level
intervention for the CDC’s campaign, because of a dependence on rational
decision making, is inefficient at changing behavior, leaves targeted smokers
vulnerable to a boomerang effect, and does not take full advantage of the
media. To address these deficiencies, a new group-level intervention is
proposed that will be targeted current adult smokers and friends of those who
are currently attempting to quit.
‘The X-Buddy’ Campaign: An
Alternative Intervention
Intervention Summary
The new campaign is centered on the
establishment of a social network of ex-smoker friends, called ‘X-buddy’, that
uses social media to reach potential target smokers and help those attempting
to quit remain smoke free. This new campaign seeks to change the smoking
behavior of groups of smokers instead of individuals. The X-Buddy’s user
interface will be composed of a campaign website, smart-phone applications, as
well as Twitter and Facebook commercial marketing accounts. The intervention
will utilize branding as part of larger marketing scheme that will include
clothing and merchandise. The X-Buddy logo, an ‘X’ created from a matrix
barcode, will allow targeted smokers to identify and connect with the X-Buddy
campaign network. Those who join the campaign, known as “X-ers”, will be
encouraged to announce to their friends on Twitter and Facebook (through a
X-Buddy interface), their commitment to smoke free living.
Addressing deficits in
CDC’s campaign (Overview)
The X-Buddy is a group-level intervention
that changes smoking behavior, en mass, without having to change beliefs,
attitudes or intents to quit smoking. This campaign therefore is not limited by
rational decision-making, and is much less likely to cause a boomerang effect,
cause dissonance, or psychological reactance. It addresses the social nature of
smoking, prevents procrastination, and reduces the likelihood of recidivism
through social cues. X-Buddy will drive a new media and cultural sensation due
to its competent marketing through available print, video, and social media.
A Group Level Intervention:
‘The X-Buddy’
Smoking and quitting, as previously
stated, occurs in networks. One of the difficulties of quitting is the loss of
social identity that occurs when individuals cease smoking exclusive of their
network of friends. If they stop smoking when everyone else in their group
continues, they face the choice of isolation or conformity (a return to
smoking). To address this, X-Buddy targets groups of smokers. Networking theory
predicts that smoking cessation among groups is most effective when key members
of the group chose to quit. To successfully convert smoking groups’ behavior,
those individuals with a large number of connections will be selected by the
X-Buddy (computer) algorithm. The system
would then target their key friends for conversion, that is to say the program
will market to these friends the non-smoking behavior.
X-Buddy is derived from a group-level
model of social behavior and does not assume rational decisions. Therefore,
this new campaign does not waste money and effort by attempting to change
knowledge through educating smokers, nor attempting to change attitudes and
beliefs. The behavior of quitting in the new model is no longer tied to
individuals’ decisions, but is spread similar to a “Diffusion of Innovations” (22).
Instead, efforts are directed at branding X-Buddy, marketing in areas where
smokers typically congregate (such as designated smoking areas), and using
social media to reduce procrastination and recidivism.
To address the problem of
procrastination, X-Buddy encourages “X-ers” (members) to proclaim a “X-Date”
(or quit date) that is broadcast over social media channels. It is expected
that a “spotlight effect” (23) will reduce their likelihood of not quitting by
procrastination, and could also reduce recidivism (or cheating on their
proclamation). Inherent in this tactic is that smokers who see their friends’
“X-date”, are given a social nudge to quit themselves due to a perceived social
norm of quitting. Social expectations must not be so overwhelming as to
threaten smokers’ perception of freedom and foster a rebound of smoking.
Preventing a Boomerang
X-Buddy Logo – The Use of Branding
The paradoxical Boomeranging of behavior
following an interventional campaign is less likely with X-Buddy due to its use
of group-level models. The independence from rational decision-making is a
buffer to the effect but may not render smokers immune. To protect the campaign
from this potentially damaging effect, X-Buddy utilizes branding and a
“labeling effect” to help members identity with being non-smokers.
Accomplishing this goal requires seeking-out target smokers, wherever they are.
X-Buddy will use branding to assist
targeted smokers in identifying with the campaign to reduce potential cognitive
dissonance and psychological reactance.
“X-logo”, part of the X-Buddy branding, is to be imbedded into the structure of
a matrix barcode (also known as a QR code) and will create a graphical
representation of an “X”. These modern barcodes are a well-featured component
of many current successful marketing campaigns, and are effective because of
their ability to link a target customer, not only to websites, but also other
ancillary marketing (24).
The cessation message will reach smokers
through the use of the X-logo, placed conspicuously and visible to current
smoking groups. This includes designated smoking areas as well as random public
areas where people usually gather to smoke: outside hospitals, universities,
hotels, and restaurants. The campaign
goal is to target huge networks of smokers, so the type and physical
characteristics of where marketing is placed will be just as diverse – from
stucco walls to the side of dumpsters.
Thankfully, newer QR codes can be scanned from irregular or non-uniform
backgrounds with a cell phone camera (25,26).
X-Buddy uses the QR codes to extract cell
phone users name, phone number, and email address to personalize the marketing
of “not smoking”. When a potential target captures the X-Buddy logo using a QR
code app on their cell phone, they are taken to the campaign website where they
are greeted, by name, along with the name of any of their Facebook or Tweeter
friends who are already an X-er. They are then asked to join their friends and
become one of majority – “one of
US”. If they choose to join as an X-er,
their preferences and information will be stored at a data-center (called the
X-center), and they will be sent a schedule of encouraging texts to their cell
phones, instant messenger, or social media accounts.
To compliment the marketing of X-buddy,
the automated data-center will both, search out (new) potential targets — in
addition to those responding to QR codes – to join the campaign through social
media marketing, while also re-enforcing cessation for those who have already
joined the network. The X-center will
have cross-platform capabilities across AIM, Yahoo-Chat, MSN Messenger,
Facebook, and Tweeter. Messages will be sent out across the network to (X-er)
friends, and will act as social nudges. These social nudges will consist of
either short affirmative supporting text messages or simple graphics. Texts (to
cell phones or social media accounts) will use statements such as “You are not
a smoker” or “You do not smoke” for those who have quit; for target smokers who
have not joined (and may not have quit) the messages might read, “You do not
need to smoke” or “You were not born a smoker”.
Locating potential X-ers is done through
the use of a computer algorithm, which will scan social media sites for users’
posts (and “Tweets”) for keywords indicating they might be open to behavioral
conversion. For example, a woman tweeting the news of her recent pregnancy might
see an ad when she logs in to her Tweeter account that shows mothers cradling
their infants and the X-logo.
Several influences might affect a
cessation in smoking and prevent boomeranging. X-Buddy messages, serve to
“label” the X-er (and even potential X-ers who are viewing the ads) as a
non-smoker. Labels are known to have a sustaining effect, and could reduce both
recidivism and reactance to the campaign by increasing ownership in the effort.
Also, the campaign’s labeling efforts might give them self-esteem thereby helping
to affect behavioral change. According to Maslow, people seek to meet
lower-level needs before attempting to meet higher-level ones (27). Smokers
can, if lower-level needs of self-esteem are met with assistance from X-Buddy,
address higher level needs such as long-term health by concentrating efforts on
smoking cessation. A “Spotlight Effect” (28) may also further reduce
procrastination and recidivism by drawing social attention to their efforts to
quit or their lack of progress.
The best means of reducing a boomerang
effect is to survey a test audience to determine if the X-campaign is at risk,
and to identify potential sources of a paradoxical backlash. Initially, focus
groups will be solicited to determine their psychographic profile. The survey
results of a questionnaire would then reflect the lifestyle of the target
smoker to whom X-Buddy wishes to market, and the campaign can be tailored to
the findings. For instance, older psychographic profiles collected by tobacco
companies showed smokers to be middle-class conservatives. If X-Buddy focus
groups showed similar results, a set of core-values around security and family
might be utilized. The goal of packaging the campaign to the target smokers’
values and beliefs should therefore reduce both cognitive dissonance, if at all
present, along with psychological reactance. To test for the potential of
cognitive dissonance and reactance, test-audiences will be surveyed three
times: prior to viewing the new campaign; immediately afterwards, and six
months after the viewing. For example, participants might be assessed for
reactance by being asked to judge their agreement to the following on a Likert
scale: “the ad made me feel pressured”; “I feel threatened”; “I feel angry”, and
”The ad made me feel free to make my own choices”. To test for cognitive dissonance, some of the
questions on the survey would attempt to test for possible rationalizations on
the part of the participant. Such questions might read, “I’m not like the people
in the ad”; “this doesn’t apply to me”, “I don’t care about my smoking”, or “I
have control over my actions”(29).
The Media At Its Finest
So that advertising and marketing of
X-Buddy can be massively effective, the campaign must utilize the media to its
fullest capabilities. As we have already seen, the new campaign leverages
social media and its intrinsic networking capabilities to increase market
influence through existing personal connections as well as seeking new links.
This type of wildly successful marketing, of a group-level behavior, is often
referred to as “going viral”. The X-Buddy campaign will achievement its goal by:
purchasing, on per click basis, ad space on Facebook and Twitter; placing
videos on YouTube; posting ads in Photobucket; and creating an app for X-ers. The X-Buddy App helps foster spontaneous urban
gatherings and will demonstrate members’ commitment to a smoke free life.
The marketing, which will have begun for
so many X-ers as a bar-coded logo, will also appear on t-shirts, hats, other
clothing and merchandise for sale. The media and the marketing will foster each
other by driving targeted smokers to the other. When people identify the
X-logo, they will purchase goods from the campaign, and when those items are
displayed in public (e.g. worn as a shirt) it will help people identify the
brand when placed in smoking areas, thus increasing the effectiveness of that
aspect of the campaign as well.
Social media is more than just another
means to channel communications. This was an area of major misuse by the CDC in
the “Tips” campaign. Instead, X-Buddy uses outlets such as Facebook to identify
and utilize key individuals in social groups who will drive group-level
behavior change because of the large number of social connections they possess.
Smart phones, ubiquitous in the American
culture, open new avenues for social behavior change. One important consequence
is the viral video, which has become commonplace with the spread of smart
phones. Their increased daily use, and the cameras they carry, allows anyone
and everyone to become a reporter on unprompted events as they occur. To
encourage the behavior of not smoking, spontaneous gatherings of X-ers through
a Google-like map interface on the X-Buddy App will be facilitated. These
groupings, to be called “Xits”, will be filmed and posted online. The goal is
for these Xits to “go viral”, however they serve a more immediate purpose. For
Xers struggling with addiction, and their urge to smoke, they can look on a
smart phone and see if there are any Xers in their area. If so, they can shoot
a quick message to that person to see if they want to take an alternative to a
“smoke break”. Such a message could read, “Wanna Xit together”? For a smoker
who is crippled with the physical and psychological addiction to tobacco, this
other X-er might be a social “life-saver” to help guide them through a
momentary weakness.
Framing of X-Buddy
The images used to frame the X-Buddy
advertising will convey a warm emotional tone that supports the campaign’s
promises. The core position is that by not smoking, you will be liberated to
have fun with your friends and family. The entire frame of the campaign is
designed around the values of friends, family, freedom, and the associations of
“good times”. Targeted smokers are promised, that if you quit smoking, you will
live an enjoyable life with the person they always wanted to meet. This will be
supported by images of: friends smiling
and talking, apparently “hanging out”; buddies playing sports; a group of girls
shopping in the mall, and guys walking down the beach and flirting with a group
of attractive women. All marketing will use warm colors to promote emotional
trust. Experiments with physical warmth have been shown to elicit interpersonal
warmth and trust, and that research has also been extended to warm colors
The marketing of X-Buddy is a huge leap
from the framing of “health” that is used by the CDC in the “Tips” Campaign.
Employed is a broad use of media that includes full use of social media to
specifically target current networks of smokers and their key members by
marketing based on their specific wants and needs as determined by a focus
is to be marketed as a social phenomenon, and in doing so liberates the
campaign from the limits of an individual-level campaign. Without having to
rely on convincing individual smokers, through rational decision making, as to
the benefits of smoking cessation, this new campaign can efficiently reach a
larger number of smokers with almost none of backlashing or boomeranging that
is possible under the CDC’s current campaign. Moreover the social networking of
ex-smokers increases ownership in the antismoking effort and fosters a
supportive environment that reduces the changes of behavioral backsliding and
regression by returning to the old smoking habits. For these reasons, the
current “Tips from Former Smokers” campaign should be replaced by the newer
X-Buddy campaign.
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Labels: Asthma, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Health Communication, Orange, Smoking
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