The Unintended Consequences of Addressing Binge Drinking Using Affective Norms – Natasha De Marco
The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as consuming five or more alcoholic
beverages in two hours for men and consuming four or more beverages for women (1).
The NIAA also reports that approximately two of every five college students of
all ages report engaging in binge drinking at least once in the past two weeks
(2). Some of the negative health outcomes that are associated with binge
drinking include unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, liver
damage, neurological damage, and cardiovascular diseases (3). Specifically for
college students, binge drinking has been shown to be associated with academic consequences,
such as poor grades, low Grade Point Average, and missed classes, as well as
secondhand effects (4). These secondhand effects include physical and sexual
violence, property damage, and disturbances that prevent sleeping or studying (4-5).
Binge drinking among college students has been nationally recognized as a
public health problem in need of effective campaigns and interventions.
The Social Norms Theory has been utilized by
university administrators and student-run organizations to reduce binge
drinking among the student population. Social Norms Theory, also known as the
Social Expectations Theory, is based on the fact that people in groups organize
their exchanges with each other within mutually understood rules which provide
definitions of acceptable behavior, predictability in what each member of a
group is expected to do, and understanding of what each can anticipate from the
others (6). The
Other Hangover, a student-run anti-binge drinking campaign at
the University of Minnesota, addresses binge drinking using group affective
norms. Group affective norms are referred to those norms that develop within
groups and govern the experience, management, and use of affect within the
group (7). One of The Other Hangover’s print media was an anti-binge drinking billboard
erected atop a popular bar near the University of Minnesota campus (8). This
billboard depicts a group of friends casting disapproving looks onto their
friend, who will be referred to as the male student, who they label as “wasted”
and “The Creep” as he tries to make conversation with a girl by putting his arm
around her. The text in the bottom-left corner of the billboard reads “Don’t
over do it” which emphasizes that students should consume alcohol in
The Other Hangover campaign
addresses anti-binge drinking from the perspective of social consequences.
Specifically, the billboard tackles the social norm of which someone’s risky
behaviors as a result of binge drinking is being unacceptable in the group
dynamic. “Unacceptable” is evident by the group’s negative reactions and
shaming onto the individual for partaking in binge drinking. Unfortunately,
this act of shaming through affective norms has unintended consequences.
Through Social Reaction Theory, Psychological Reactance Theory, and Cognitive Dissonance,
the individuals targeted for this campaign are not likely to change their
drinking behavior from binge drinking to moderation.
Social Reaction Theory/Labeling
Social Reaction Theory describes
that an act is deviant when people notice it and then take action to label it
as a violation and apply appropriate sanctions (9). The Other Hangover
billboard uses the group of friends to carry out the Social Reaction Theory.
The group of friends notice that their male friend approached a woman in an unfavorable
fashion after he has been binge drinking. The group then labels the male friend
as “The Creep” and applies the sanction of expressing disapproving emotions at
his behavior. Labeling the male friend
as “The Creep” is ineffective at changing this male’s behavior of
over-consuming alcohol. First, the male student is likely to adapt to the
identity of “The Creep” as a result of the self-fulfilling prophecy concept.
What the self-fulfilling prophecy does is label someone and then have that person
treated as if that label were correct (10). Over time, a hastily assigned label
may become an accurate description of this person (10). Although the billboard
shows evidence that the binge-drinking male is acting in accordance to the
label “The Creep” by the uncomfortable reaction of the girl who he has wrapped
around his arm, this label is potentially toxic to the male’s future
self-esteem. The male could adopt this label of “The Creep” as his identity,
which would imply that he would continue to binge drink. In other words, the
male has realized his self-fulfilling prophecy as “The Creep” as a result of
his group of friends attributing his unfavorable behavior to his binge
drinking. According to the Social Norms Theory, the group can now predict that
any subsequent event in which the male binge drinks, he will engage in risky
behaviors that exemplify his label as “The Creep.” The presence of this label
perpetuates the male’s current behavior of binge drinking. This unintended
effect of the billboard deviates from the goal of reducing binge drinking among
college students at this University.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance theory, expounded by
Leon Festinger, posits that individuals naturally seek consistency among their
beliefs and opinions (11). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or
behaviors, something must change to resolve the conflict (11). The Other
Hangover’s goal for this billboard is for the audience to rationally rectify
their dissonance between their current attitudes of binge drinking and their
friends’ attitudes of binge drinking. The
campaign assumes that the male student will modify his behavior to consume
alcohol in moderation in order to conform to friends’ attitudes, which in turn
will alleviate his dissonance. However,
considering that the male student may value the benefits of binge drinking
compared to moderate consumption, the male student may be more inclined to abandon
this particular group of friends as a way to justify his decision to continue
to binge drink as a way of balancing the dissonance. For example, research
shows that many students acknowledged that binge drinking has risks, but the
students justify that the great memories and stories that come as a result of
binge drinking are worth it (12). In
other words, the male student may seek a different group of friends in which he
can continue binge drinking because he knows that his attitudes and goals for
binge drinking will be consistent with his new group of friends. Furthermore,
the male student will not seek to conform to the social norm of his current
peer group due to the imbalance of dissonance. Instead, the male student will
seek a peer group in which has established that the social norm to binge drink
is acceptable behavior and will not be associated with consequences. Once
again, much like the unintended consequence of labeling the male student as
“The Creep,” he may continue to binge drink as a result of an irrational method
in which to alleviate the dissonance between him and his current peer group.
The perpetuation of the binge drinking behavior will most likely persist
through this ineffective billboard campaign.
The Cognitive Dissonance Theory
implies that the individual is conscious of the dissonance between himself and
his peers and is then able to rectify the dissonance in some manner. In The
Other Hangover’s billboard, the male student appears unaware of the
disapproving looks of his friends and the reaction of the girl after he placed
his arm around her. The male has a smile on his face, as if he enjoys how
uncomfortable he is making the girl feel. The male student is oblivious to the
reactions around him. As a result of this unawareness of the dissonance, the
male student is not motivated to change his behavior. This unconscious realization of the
disapproval and shame from the group of friends does not effectively address
the change in affirmative norms that the campaign strives to achieve. The underlying
assumption of the individual’s awareness of the dissonance according to the
Cognitive Dissonance Theory is not met.
Psychological Reactance
The Other Hangover billboard includes the
text “Don’t over do it” to emphasize the underlying message that students
should consume alcohol in moderation. Although it appears in smaller-sized text
in comparison to the main phrase, it is still an ineffective tool to include when
promoting behavior change. This instruction of the “Don’t over do it” text has
implications of consequences to the individual as explained by the Psychological
Reactance Theory. This theory posits that an individual will experience
reactance whenever an individual’s free behavior is eliminated or threatened
with elimination (13). In addition, this theory suggests that the more important
that free behavior is to the individual, the greater the magnitude of reactance
experienced (13). In other words, the students who see this billboard will feel
that their freedom to binge drink is threatened. Upon threatened elimination of
this freedom, the students are generally more motivated to attempt to regain
the lost or threatened freedom by whatever methods are available and
appropriate (13). Moreover, telling a student not to drink will have the
opposite effect that was originally intended. It can now be anticipated that
the student will continue to binge drink or even increase the frequency of his
binge drinking in order to regain his freedom that was previously threatened to
be eliminated. Not only does this campaign use shame to encourage anti-binge
drinking, but according to the Psychological Reactance Theory, this particular message
appears to work against the goal to reduce the prevalence of binge drinking
among these university students.
It can be argued that the text
“Don’t over do it” could be an effective tool to persuade behavior change in
this context. Since the message is being delivered by the male student’s peers,
it can be assumed that there is interpersonal similarity between the male student
and his peers. Paul Siliva’s experiment on the role of similarity in increasing
compliance and reducing resistance supports this assumption. One of the
findings of Siliva’s experiment showed that when a threat to freedom was high,
people agreed more with a communicator that was similar to them in first name,
birth date, gender, and year in school than with the dissimilar communicator (14).
However, the “Don’t over do it” message and “The Creep” label work together to
make the group more dissimilar from the male student. The group creates a
social distance, establishing an “us” versus “him” image. This distance
contributes to discrediting the interpersonal similarity between the male
student and his group of friends. In turn, the male student will not be as
likely to agree with the group’s message to consume alcohol in moderation. The
psychological reactance experienced by the male student is a significant
contributor to the poorly executed anti-binge drinking campaign by addressing
the affective norms of alcohol consumption among college students.
Affective norms have
been addressed in public health campaigns on a variety of public health
problems. When they are used to address an individual’s behavior, as opposed to
an organization or company, it appears that the likeliness of maintaining the problem
behavior increases. Re-framing The Other Hangover’s billboard to include
motivation and encouragement to inspire behavior change will address the
unintended consequences of labeling, psychological reactance, and cognitive
Proposed Intervention
Improving this billboard involves
changing the affective norm from negative to positive. Instead of a group of
friends shaming one the male student for his poor decision making, this group
of friends will now encourage each other to consume alcohol in moderation.
Using the same platform of The Other Hangover’s billboard, all of the existing
text would be erased and replaced with “Drinking Buddies: Making Sure the
Memories Live On, Without Binge Drinking.” The placement of the group of
friends would be described as conversing in a circle with their body language
and emotional expressions of happiness, enjoyment, and celebration. Also, all
people photographed in this billboard will have an alcoholic beverage in their
hands. There would not be selective color on one individual, which was
previously depicted on the image of the male student. Instead, the selective
color would be applied to the entire group of friends in a setting that can be
easily identified as a drinking establishment.
The use of Advertising Theory is
another way in which to define the construction of the new billboard.
Advertising Theory is based on the notion that the mass population can be
targeted with a uniform message at the same time with a promise, core value,
and evidence to support these two components (15). These components of Advertising
Theory will allow this campaign to address the affective norm of prevalence of drinking
in moderation to change students’ attitudes about consuming alcohol. The core
value in this new billboard will change from “isolation” to “acceptance” and
“friendship.” In addition, the new billboard attempts to make a positive association
between “Drinking Buddies” and consuming alcohol in moderation. This new
billboard promises that “drinking buddies” can still have a good time without
needing to over-consume alcohol.
With the change of perspective of this new
billboard, the Social Norms Theory addresses the popularity of consuming
alcohol in moderation among the group of friends. The emotions of happiness and
inclusivity in the new billboard illustrate that this group of friends is a
model of appropriate behavior and their reward for carrying out the appropriate
behavior is to cherish the fond memories of each other’s social interactions. This
new billboard eliminates the unintended consequences of the original billboard
through methods to eliminate labeling and to reduce the potential for
psychological reactance and cognitive dissonance.
Social Reaction Theory/Labeling
Labeling of individuals or groups can prove
counterproductive when displayed in behavior-change campaigns. In order to
avoid this, nouns were carefully selected for the text of the new billboard. For
example, a label of “drinking buddies” was used for the audience to be able to
identify their friends in the context of consuming alcohol. A “drinking buddy”
is a neutral label in which the audience can identify their friends, evaluate
their drinking patterns, and identify their outcomes from their moderate-drinking
patterns. In addition, pairing “drinking buddy” with a positive image of
drinking in moderation reduces the risk of the audience to feel labeled as
binge drinkers. As a result, the risk for the audience to become susceptible to
a negative self-fulfilling prophecy is reduced. Now there should be no
suspicion that the audience may continue to binge drink as a result of labeling.
Moreover, the new billboard illustrates that the act of drinking alcohol in
moderation with others is socially acceptable. This image sends a different
message than The Other Hangover’s billboard. There, it was determined that binge
drinking was socially unacceptable. By showing an accepting social norm as
opposed to a unacceptable behavior, this avoids the possibility that the
audience could perceive that they are engaging in a deviant behavior. The risk
that individuals are likely to internalize a label, such as deviance, and begin
to mold their self-concept to the consequent behaviors has been reduced (16). Overall,
the careful selection of words and the positive associations made between the
words and the images have contributed to avoiding the mistakes of The Other
Hangover’s original billboard. The new billboard uses neutral labeling and
positive associations to effectively address moderate consumption of alcohol
among college students at this university
Psychological Reactance
A positive association between
psychological proneness and psychological reactance has been found in assessing
the effectiveness of binge drinking campaigns using social norms (17). This
implies that students who over-consume alcohol are a delicate population when
it comes to encouraging behavior change. Reducing the amount of command-like words
is imperative to having an opportunity for the students to change their
drinking behaviors. Using terminology like “drinking buddies,” which is something
that most likely already exists in students’ vernacular, is an effective way to
avoid the students from continuing to binge drink because it provides an
opportunity for familiarity. In
addition, using a phrase in which students can attribute to the experiences
they desire to achieve when binge drinking would be more likely to be effective
when they transpose the message on the bill board to the next time that they
consume alcohol. In other words, the
image of the group of friends and text on the new billboard should not invite an
opportunity for psychological reactance due to the fact that the new billboard
depicts familiarity to the students. The anticipation is to provide a scenario
in which the student has found himself before, offering a comfortable setting
to try out the new behavior. From the encouragement and support of friends, the
student will realize that there is a minimal modification to his behavior that
needs to be made. The next time he is in
the scenario depicted in the new billboard, he will be empowered to take the
steps to drink alcohol in moderation. As a result, the familiarity of images
and text in the new billboard minimizes the burden and reactance to modify the
drinking behavior. All in all, considering that the students are already prone
to psychological reactance, it is important to display images in which students
identify with as embracing their freedoms and independence as college students.
Offering a scenario in which they see themselves drinking alcohol with their
friends reinforces their freedom to consume alcohol and provides an opportunity
for them to be more receptive to the idea of changing their consumption patterns.
In addition, the message of moderation is
accompanied with enhanced interpersonal similarity among the group of friends. With
students’ baseline proneness to psychological reactance already high,
establishing the interpersonal similarity and attraction between the audience
and the group of friends will increase the audience’s reception to the new
billboard. Interpersonal attraction is positively related to the amount of
influence that others have on us in interpersonal exchanges (18). As such,
interpersonally attractive others can potential play an influential role in our
behaviors (18). This emphasizes the importance for the group of friends to be
perceived by the audience as the audience’s close group of friends, a group of
people with whom they interact frequently. More importantly, this group of
friends must emulate emotions and reactions in a drinking environment in which the
audience defines as similar to their own experiences when they consume alcohol
with their friends. The new billboard successfully does this by portraying a
group of friends enjoying each other’s company, are standing within close
proximity of each other, and are laughing and reacting in the same manner.
These emotional reactions and social proximity of the people in the new
billboard reduces the potential for psychological reactance. The students’
freedoms are reinforced in the billboard and therefore will be more likely to
engage and convince the audience to adopt the idea of consuming alcohol in
Cognitive Dissonance
The new billboard is an attempt to reduce
the potential for the audience to encounter cognitive dissonance. The presence
of cognitive dissonance is psychologically uncomfortable and creates pressures
to reduce dissonance (19). The Other Hangover’s billboard threatened the
identity of the male student. The male student was rewarded with shame from his
group of friends. This new billboard will allow the audience to maintain their
identity as consumers of alcohol, but request them to reconsider the amount
they drink. In return, the audience is rewarded with acceptance and friendship.
This is something that is of great value to a college student. As a result, the
potential for dissonance among the audience’s identities is reduced because the
new billboard rewards the students with something of high value in exchange for
their consideration of modifying the amount of alcohol they consume.
At the same time, the new billboard
must still meet the basic assumption of the Cognitive Dissonance Theory in
order to be able to reduce the psychological discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
Without the presence of some cognitive dissonance, the audience will not have
any motivation to seek cognitive consonance, which is innately present in all (19).
The audience should be able to recognize through the text “without binge
drinking” on the new billboard that some dissonance is apparent. One of the
ways to reduce cognitive dissonance in campaigns is to add new cognitions to
make existing cognitions consistent (19). By showing a group of friends
enjoying themselves with alcohol which is supported by the text that they are
drinking in moderation should offer an opportunity for the audience to seek
consonance. In other words, this new billboard must address some dissonance
between the audience and what they see in the new billboard. However, the new
billboard is carefully crafted in a way which reduces the potential magnitude
of dissonance by offering a familiar and desired scenario in which college
students can relate to. The amount of dissonance that must be reduced is
minimal between the audience and what they see in the billboard; therefore, the
new billboard is more likely to inspire the behavior change.
The Social Expectations (Norms)
Theory attempts to show that people can use the mass media as sources, either
deliberately or without consciousness awareness, from which to acquire guides
to appropriate behavior that will help them adapt to the complex world in which
they live (6). The new billboard is an effective execution of combining
positive, college-specific social, affective norms with the use of mass media
to inspire alcohol consumption in moderation. The execution of this new
billboard elicits empowerment and motivation to consume alcohol in moderation
while still being able to achieve the same desires of why most college students
drink alcohol to begin with – to be accepted. The power of positive self-esteem and positive associations with drinking alcohol in
moderation addressed simultaneously at the group and individual level should be
a method in which stakeholders emulate for their target audiences to achieve successful
behavior change outcomes.
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Labels: Alcohol, Cardiovascular Disease, Health Communication, Orange, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Sexual Violence, STDs, Violence
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