The VERB Campaign: A Failed Attempt in the Effort to End Childhood Obesity in the United States – Sarah Collier
the obesity pandemic becoming more and more insurmountable and the ludicrous
number of failed anti-obesity campaigns, the demand for a powerful, effective,
cost-efficient health intervention has reached an all time high. In order for a
health campaign to effectively create behavior change, certain variables must be
considered to effectively convey the intervention. Past interventions have
proved to be expensive, inconsistent and ineffective. More recently, public
health officials have begun applying marketing and advertising theories to draw
on the principles behind psychological theories resulting more effective penetration
of the health message with target audience. One such campaign that utilized
this revolutionary marketing strategy was the VERB campaign that was created by
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC). In an effort to decrease American childhood obesity and
promote good, life-long health behaviors, Congress appropriated $339 million to
this campaign to combat the growing trend of physical inactivity (1). VERB was
meant to target all young American adolescents between the ages of 9 and 13 by
engaging them in sponsored events and encouraging them to get outside and play
more often. The campaign’s success was marked by high enrollment rate and brand
recognition by its target audience, but, despite its tremendous potential for
anti-obesity behavior change, the initial achievement tapered off after the
third year and several major issues arose due to the incorrect assumptions that
had been made about this population (1). The biggest mistakes that were made by
the VERB team, which was comprised of the CDC and a number of marketing
agencies, was to make the assumption that all children have access to a safe
place to play outside of school, the campaign’s mixed messages regarding parental
involvement as well as the assumption that parents have the time and resources
to not only motivate their children but to be active themselves, and the stereotyping
of the target audience based on race and ethnicity. Despite the millions of
dollars spent and countless hours of strategizing, the presence of these
fundamental flaws has brought me to believe that this campaign’s self-proclaimed
great success would have been sort lived had it continued beyond the allotted 5
VERB was
a 5 year national campaign that was launched in June of 2002 and was designed
to encourage young adolescents, or tweens (age 9 to 13 years old) to be more
physically active everyday (2). It utilized a complex combination of social
marketing to deliver a positive message about physical activity via
experimental marketing, mass media, community and school promotions, the
internet and partnerships with both national organizations and local
communities that drew on the theory of planned behavior and social cognitive
theory (1). The biggest targets for VERB promotions were schools, community
centers, and recreational centers which were invited to participate in 1- to 3-week
classroom-based activities. For example, VERB Yellowball promotion supplied
teachers, youth leaders, etc. with a kit that contained VERB brand basketballs,
activity ideas, promotional posters, a reproducible letter informing parents
about the campaign, prizes, and applications for twenty $1,000 grants as an
incentive for schools and communities (2). VERB team members organized play
areas and street games at festivals and camps as well channeled traffic to the
campaign’s interactive website that enabled children to choose virtual
classmates, blog about their experiences, record their physical activity for
prizes and get virtual tutoring on sport skills like soccer and tennis (1).
VERB team, consisting of advertising firms, public relations agencies, public
health workers, communities and media partners (e.g. Disney and Nickelodeon),
was guided by the theory of planned behavior and the social cognitive theory as
the core principles on which this intervention was built (3). The theory of
planned behavior, originally proposed by Icek Ajzen in the late 1980s, states
that attitude about a behavior, subjective norms and self efficacy work
together to create a person’s intentions and behaviors (4). The social
cognitive theory states that we acquire certain behavioral patterns through a
combination of observed behaviors, environmental factors and personal factors
including self efficacy and emotional coping processes (5). One of the elements
that distinguished this campaign’s approach from other national health behavior
campaigns was that these psychological theories were combined with modern
marketing and advertising tactics in order to produce an effective marking
strategy that would not only penetrate the target audience but also result
significant behavioral change (1). Experimental marketing in the form of
sponsored events and promotional samples were used by VERB to tie the product,
physical activity, to a fun experience that was relevant to tweens in order to
create an intriguing buzz among the
target audience (3). Type of marketing approach has been proven to have a
greater effect on adolescents than television advertisements or the internet (3).
Another unique attribute of this campaign was the decision to brand VERBTM
which is characterized by the promotion of a product that defines a unique
identity for its consumers, is a recognizable symbol of the product’s core
values, and creates a connection between the product and its target audience. The
VERB brand used bright, inspiring images and positive, kid-friendly language in
its promotions to convey the message that physical activity as a fun and cool
way for tweens to spend time (6).
mixture of unique methods and characteristics designed by the CDC and the
collaborating marketing agencies gave the VERB campaign incredible potential
for success in the battle against childhood obesity. However, due to a number of incorrect
fundamental assumptions and the desire to keep the brand exclusively directed
towards tweens but able to be generalized and applied all races and regions
within the demographic, the VERB campaign dug its own grave. Despite the overwhelming
number resources, VERB’s brand image crisis, shown through irrelevant images
and presence of mixed messages, in addition to its failure to address long
standing, logistical barriers to living an active life-style weakened the
campaign’s message and inevitably resulted in an insignificant behavioral
outcome among high risk demographics.
or Lack Thereof
VERB promotes tweens to incorporate
more physical activity into their everyday lives by encouraging both in-school
and free-time play; yet, it fails to address many of the common barriers
attributed to decreased physical activity ultimately abandoning a vulnerable
demographic within target audience, urban, minority children.
involvement was one of the core elements used by VERB to ensure the general success
of the intervention. The campaign team collaborated with communities all over
the United States to arrange events at local festivals, camps and sporting
events (3). Therefore, images of community parks and recreational centers are
common themes in the campaign’s advertisements. Unfortunately, not all
communities are the same. Manicured soccer fields, community pools and modern recreational
facilities are difficult, if not impossible, to find in urban and low SES
communities. Even the culture and the sense of community are vastly different
in a suburban environment than they are in a city. In some suburban areas, like
those depicted in VERB’s advertisements, there seems to be a greater sense of
pride and personal accountability for maintaining a safe, happy, and prosperous
community. These characteristics are comparatively rarer in urban neighborhoods
where residents tend to have a more individualist view of their living
environment rather than collectivistic. Both sides of the original VERB team, the
public health officials from the CDC and the contracted marketing agencies,
were well aware of the environmental and health disparities that are present
amongst the assorted regions in the United States (3). Formative research and
focus group sessions merely reiterated many of the previously understood barriers
to physical activity.
One of
the biggest flaws made by this campaign was the assumption that all children
within the target audience have equal access to a safe place to play with
appropriate supervision or the means to afford enrollment in an existing
community program when school is no longer in session. Due to a variety of
reasons including lack of funding, personnel, availability of space and the liability
associated with childcare, many communities, especially those of low
socioeconomic standing (SES), are unable to offer afterschool and summer programs.
This is especially true for minority children of low SES living in urban
environments. Research indicates that low-SES and high-minority groups have
reduced access to facilities which directly contribute ethnic disparities in
physical activity and overweight patterns (7). During a focus group designed to
collect information about the target audience, urban African American tweens
reported that lack of
transportation, unsafe neighborhoods, and limited availability of programs as major
to living an active life-style (1).
By neglecting to find a solution to this major issue, the VERB campaign essentially
ignored the bracket of urban-American minority children of low SES, that are ironically
at the highest risk for becoming overweight/obese and developing early
onset of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease (7).
whole design of branding VERB was to help tweens more easily identify with the
campaign. Promotions and mini-interventions such as VERB Yellowball helped to achieve
the desired principles behind the theory of planned behavior and the social
cognitive theory. For example, the establishment within the target audience of
a positive attitude towards leading an active-lifestyle, the brand’s status as
a fun, cool program that all their peers are involved in, and the sense of
increased self-confidence to try new activities combined to result in a
significant increase in physical activity (1). However, VERB’s blatant
exclusion of the inner-city demographic became apparent in the inability of
urban tweens to identify with the suburban images that are depicted by the
brand. The result of this decision was the estrangement of urban, minority
tweens from this national health campaign.
Messages for Parents
the campaigns primary audience was tweens (ages 9 to 13), VERB developed
messages for parents, the secondary targeted audience, to encourage them to
support their child’s participation in physical activity; however, advertising
specifically directed towards parents was intentionally kept to minimum
resulting in the confusion of a parents role in the intervention (8). The growing trend of inactivity is not
only a concern for children but a major issue in the adult population.
Nevertheless, the VERB campaign banked a large portion of its advertising
towards this secondary audience on the willingness and readiness of American
parents from all backgrounds, SESs and regions to support and join in on the
effort of increasing their child’s physical activity.
and caretakers play an influential role in the development of many life-long
health behaviors including health maintenance, eating habits, and activity
level (8). As children age
into adulthood they begin to garner a greater ability and thirst to make their
own decisions. Parents serve as role models and provide guidance in the
development of a child’s attitudes, perceptions and actions (8). Relative to
the theory of planned behavior and the social cognitive theory, they contribute
to subjective norms and social influences that lead to the development of their
child’s behavior patterns (4, 5, 8). Parents provide emotional and
psychological support as well as logistical support for children’s life-styles
in the form of time and money (8). Children need transportation to soccer
games, friends’ houses, piano lessons and a variety of other destinations. In
regards to the VERB campaign, the data indicated that parent’s positive
attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding physical activity resulted
significant behavioral outcomes; however, this result was entirely dependent on
the parent’s awareness of the campaign (8). Despite to the dozens of
promotions directed towards tweens, mere print ads in 21 national women’s
magazines and two public service announcements that were aired on limited bases
were the main vehicles for conveying the invention’s messages to parents (8).
In an attempt to protect the “coolness” of the campaign, the VERB team
forfeited the use to the VERB brand identity in these advertisements and overlooked
the importance of timely outreach to adults to gain their early buy-in (6). Approximately
a quarter of the surveyed parents of Asian background responded that they did
not detect a message from VERB to them and their family (9). As a result, the
importance of the parent’s role in the intervention was lost.
seems to be an obvious discrepancy in the role parents were meant to play in
the VERB campaign. In order for the intervention to be successful, parents are
expected to support their children and even engage them in some type of
physical activity. The integral portion behind this behavior is the presence of
positive beliefs and attitudes regarding physical activity which was found to
have been significantly influenced by an increased exposure to VERB promotions
and brand (8). Since adult exposure to VERB was limited, a huge pressure was
placed on parents to take the initiative to support and increase their child’s
activity level on their own. However, physical inactivity is a growing trend
among all age groups in the United States. Therefore, it is highly likely that
the parents of an inactive child are also inactive themselves and are likely to
have a less positive attitude toward physical activity in general. I believe
this assumption was one the biggest mistakes made by this campaign.
VERB campaign provides number of ideas for increasing physical activity that
are written in kid-friendly language and utilize bright, inspiring images;
however, they rely too heavily on the assumptions and stereotypes surrounding
specific ethnicities. One example of a promotion that was used by this campaign
and directed at children of all ages, ethnicities and regions was the “Step into
the Sun” television commercial that depicted children playing outside with a
glowing orb that is reminiscent of the sun. The ad featured inspiring
metaphors, a trendy soundtrack and a message that simply read: “Play outside” (10). Throughout the campaign, the VERB team
marketed its messages directly to tweens in kid-language through popular kid
media channels like Nickelodean, Sports
Illustrated for Kids, and Teen People
(6). In addition to the general marketing strategy, unique promotions were
specifically designed for ethnic subgroups of interest; however, these racially
influence ads depicted obvious activity-specific stereotypes and created a
disconnect between minorities and VERB. Despite these radical marketing
tactics, VERB failed to draw on other characteristics may have increased its
overall effectiveness within minority populations.
addition to the campaign’s general marketing strategy that targeted the
American tween population as a whole, the team believed that a secondary
marketing strategy aiming culturally-specific messages at the four subgroups
(African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native America) would ensure that all of
the nation’s youth would be reached by the campaign (6). The race-specific promotions
were intended to boost the self efficacy of children in these ethnic or racial
subgroups in order to increase the frequency and duration of physical activity.
According to the theory of planned behavior, self efficacy, or one’s belief in
his or her ability to succeed, is a major predictor of human behavior. With
this theory in mind the VERB team contracted four organizations (i.e. Garcia
360˚, PFI
Marketing, etc.) that specialized in marketing towards African Americans,
Hispanic people, Asians and Native Americans (6). Each agency created a mini-campaign
that included race/cultural-specific
messages, tailored visual imagery and a defined language that would be used
when targeting that race or ethnicity (9). Although it was plausibly
unintentional, in the process of designing these race-specific campaigns,
VERB’s marketing strategy breached a level of stereotyping that significantly
diminished the campaign’s relevancy and overall effectiveness. The most
striking evidence of the failure caused by this marketing tactic is the low
enrollment rate and disappointing behavioral outcomes despite the high rate of
brand familiarity within the target audience and penetration of these unique cultural
promotions (6, 9).
the use to multicultural actors and models, VERB’s stereotypical promotions
produced the opposite result of what was intended. In fact, the after the first
year, a positive association between
awareness of the campaign and physical activity was detected for white children
but not for African American or Hispanic children (9). The
unfortunate irony is that these subgroups are more likely to be less physically
active than whites and have a much higher risk for becoming overweight and
obese (8). Although the correlation was only significant
in the white tween group, this finding has been generalized for the entire
American tween population in literature published about VERB as an indication
the campaign’s success. However, with a closer look at the data, it is evident
that although the goal for the targets audiences’ awareness
was being met, African American,
Asian, Hispanic and Native American children were not responding to the
advertising as well as white tweens (9). A large portion of any brands
effectiveness is the audiences’ ability to identify with the product. When designing the mini-campaigns,
the team incorporated recognizable cultural elements and culture-specific
activities such as dancing and music with activities like basketball and
running. A focus group with G&G Advertising revealed that tweens liked the
music and visual elements of VERB advertisements to reflect their cutlure, but
would be resistant to advertisements that stereotyped them (9). The culturally stereotypical images used in these
promotions lessened the target audience’s ability to identify with the VERB brand
and detracted from the promotion’s empowering images and slogans causing the
campaign’s message to be lost.
the Solutions
community with Incentives
One obvious mistake made
by VERB was neglecting to understand the nature of all the different types of
communities within the United States. It was foolish of the VERB team members
to assume that all communites have the resources to provide a safe, supervised
area of play for children. This is especially issue for low SES urban areas
that lack both the space and money for overwhelming demand to offer an
affordable program to the community. Thus, VERB could have spent more of its
multimillion dollar budget on incentives and support for communities to
organize programs that fit in with the campaign’s messages and brand identity,
similar to a franchise.
In the
process of establishing a community programs and events such as a festivals, summer
camps or afterschool programs, VERB would provide monetary assistance
(approximately 60% or more of the
overall cost of the program for very low SES communities) as well as activity
ideas and marketing in the community. The percentage of monetary assistance
would depend upon number of factors including the SES of the community and
would be reviewed by a central authority within the campaign that would
delegate the programs payout. The monetary support would allow the program to
offer a decreased tuition and greatly alleviate the burden that low SES
communities experienced with the VERB campaign. This method would be highly effective amongst racial and ethnic
minorities. Formative research discovered that community events in high-density
Hispanic neighborhoods via grassroots events, participation in festivals, and
mobile marketing tours gave VERB the ability to reach its target audiences with
direct one-on-one interaction. These events created opportunities to feature the
sampling of different activities to help further teach the ease and importance
of physical activity (9). With this approach communities would be attracted to
the incentives provided by VERB and would make safe, supervised, positive
atmospheres more available to children of all racial and regional backgrounds.
In addition, the overall budget of the campaign, $339 million dollars, would be
more evenly distributed throughout the country allowing for a more equal
opportunity for children to take advantage of VERB.
Why not emphasize family involvement
with VERB? Walt Disney Company many other family brands also target children as
their primary audience yet are mindful of the fact that parents control both
the living environment and resources. Therefore, these organizations are able
to create a wholesome, family-friendly image while still maintaining a fun,
cool image that is appealing and relevant to tweens. This would be accomplished
by duel advertising that would incorporate tween- and family- friendly messages
that would still utilize celebrity endorsements and depict families with tweens
in the promotions doing cool, fun activities to maintain the desire image of
the VERB brand. Duel advertising would also streamline the campaign marketing
budget by eliminating the need for the design of separate, unique campaign
strategies and gain the early support of adult influencers that was missing
from the original scheme.
Formative research showed that
promotions that included family as an important core value would be highly
effective especially amongst the specificly targeted ethnic subgroups (Asian,
Native American and Hispanic) (9). Garcia 360°, an advertising agency that
specializes in marketing to the Hispanic community, heard from tweens that
family responsibilities (e.g., babysitting siblings after school while parents
worked) were barriers to their participating in structured programs, especially
for girls (9). In fact, APartnership’s and Garcia 360°’s original
recommendation was to gain parental acceptance and invite children’s
involvement in the campaign as a family rather than just an individual (9).
These campaigns would maintain the fun, cool brand image while educating
parents and tweens about the benefits of physical activity by linking
associating physical activity to children’s school performance, overall health and
status of popularity. Thus, parents’ role in intervention would be clearly
delineated through the positive images
depicted in VERB promotions that would persuade them to encourage their child’s
physical activity while still maintaining the VERB brand identity that physical
activity is a fun and cool thing for tweens to do.
non-stereotypical promotions and a variety of activities
Was this tactic for sending culturally
specific messages in the first place?
VERB poured millions of dollars into
racially specific formative research that was used to design four
mini-campaigns targeting African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American
children with the use of identifiable cultural images, phrases and the use of traditional
language. However, in the later years of the campaign there was a strategic
shift to market of ethnic-specific messages to parents only, instead of tweens
and parents separately. This was due to the fact that funds were running low
and the data already indicated that VERB’s general-audience materials were reaching
minority tweens (9). Prior to this shift, Garcia 360˚ had spent the majority of
its budget on promotions that delivered VERB’s messages to the Hispanic
community in Spanish. Though many minority children are bilingual, VERB’s
marketing strategy towards the subgroups disregarded that fact that being of a
specific race or ethnicity doesn’t necessarily determine language preference. In
fact, during the follow up surveys, only 18% of the Hispanic tweens and 40% of
Hispanic parents that were surveyed preferred to communicate in Spanish (9). Thus
a large portion of the campaigns budget could have been saved for the
incentives that were previously proposed. It is important for the campaign to
provide materials, instructions and promotions in various languages, but a
balance of cultural characteristics is necessary to avoid obvious stereotypes.
There I propose that VERB reassess its
marketing strategies to help eliminate cultural and racial stereotypes. This
would be done by depicting children in their promotions engaging in a variety
of activities. In addition, formative research showed that African-American
tweens reported a preference for safe, noncompetitive activities (9). This
information varifies another discrepancy in that most of VERB’s promotions
utilize competitive sports to inspire physicals activity resulting in the lack
of interest by this subgroup that was evident in the demographic being least
affected by VERB. Therefore, it is important for the campaign to provide some fun
promotions that feature non-competitive activity like going for a hike,
kayaking, rock-climbing, dancing and lifting weights as well.
This the adaptations, VERB will able
more cost-effective and better able to influence American tween of all regional
and cultural backgrounds to increase their physical activity in the hope of
decreasing some of the long-term help implication that this generation is
expected to experience (e.g. early onset of diabetes, obesity, etc.).
- Huhman ME. The Influence of the VERB Campaign on Children’s Physical Activity in 2002 to 2006. The American Journal of Medicine 2010; 100: 638-645.
- The VERB Campaign Website. Centers for Disease Control.
- Heitzler C. Bringing “Play” to Life:The Use of Experiential Marketing in the VERB™ Campaign American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008; 34: S188-S193.
- 4. Ajzen I. The Theory of Planned Behavior. Orgainzational Behavior and Human Descision Processes 1991; 50: 179-211.
- 5. Social cognative theory: Explanation of behavioral patterns. University of Twente Website.
- 6. Wong F. It’s What You Do!: Reflections on the VERB Campaign. American Journal of Medicine 2008; 34: 175 – 182.
- 7. Gordon-Larsen P, Nelson MC, Page P, Popkin BM. Inequality in the built environment underlies key health disparities in physical activity and obesity. Pediatrics. 2006 Feb;117(2):417-24.
- 8. . Influencing the parents of children aged 9–13 years: findings from the VERB™ campaign. Am J Prev Med. 2008;34(6S):S267–S274
- 9. Huhman ME. The VERB™ Campaign’s Strategy for Reaching African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian Children and Parents. The American Journal of Preventative Medicine 2008; 34: S194-S209.
- 10. VERB: Step into the Sun Advertisement. Youtube Website 2012.
Labels: Adolescent Health, Cultural Issues, Health Communication, Obesity, Orange, Physical Activity, Race and Health, Socioeconomic Status and Health
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